Personal Insurance

Personal Insurance Consulting and Sales

Yes Insurance Policies Need to be Reviewed Regularly

Its common to have an old policy.  Not much stays the same and I bet when you review the policy against who you are today, or who you're intending to be in the future... well it was cheap so I guess there's that.  There are long term solutions that through planning may become attainable.  Why does it matter.  Most permanent policies are actually cash Valued equity assets so they make you money.  Insurance for insurance sake, but why pay for it.  Why not have it pay you instead.

If you think life insurance is only good for a death benefit... we should talk.

Securing a portion of your Retirement Income

Private work place pensions are rare and precious.  The guarantee of income streaming till death is comforting as you approach retirement.  Today with a decade of ultra low interest rates Annuities aren't really viable.  Having a Paid up Policy with Cash Value monthly distributions ensures coverage for the estate, while enjoying stable monthly income from a non taxable source.  No claw back, no adjusted government benefits, no stock market volatility or Dividend interruption.  No tax. 

Living Benefits to suit your Life

Sub contractors, Gig jobs, Youtube careers... group benefits are few and far between.  Getting a drug plan, and injury only disability is affordable, scalable and makes the most sense for so many informal, semi retired or transitional workers.  there are options and its part of your plan.  Got no plan.  move the calendar ahead for a decade and look around.  You'll be in the same spot still treading water looking for blue sky's tomorrow.  Don't be that guy for another year.  Talk to a planner get a plan

Complimentary Consultation
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