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4 Letter Words. Hope, Help, Pride, FEAR

Paul • January 27, 2021

Hope and Help are more than 4 Letter Words

A recent testimonial inspired me to consider Hope and Help.


Hope is comforting but alone it is ineffective at improving a challenging situation.  Hope is the inspiration for commitment.  Committment is hard especially without a strategy.  A few strategies that are connected is a plan.  I'm a planner I know this to be true.  So hope inspires, Inspiration commits, commitment becomes efficient with a strategy, and a few strategies connected is a plan and a plan is how to get from where one is at to where one wants to be. 


Help is the application of external efforts to make a person's effort/commitment  and strategy more effective than it is without help.  Why wouldn't a person who is truly committed to improvement want more effective results?  Sometimes the journey is more important than the destination.  Sometimes the person imagines themselves to be the kind of person who is superior to others who would require help.  Sometimes the imperfection of the task is humiliating or simply private. 


Strong conviction/belief in who a person presents themselves to be in the world.  Knowing ones identity.  Ego is who a person imagines themselves to be.  Unconsciously, people make decisions to support the person they imagine themselves to be.  Its normal.  The challenge is when those decisions are contrary to their own best interests often due to the span between imagination and reality. 

Creating an emotionally non judgemental "safe space" where truly sharing who one is trying to be from who they are now is a sacred trust of pure courageous vulnerability.  That's the daily grind as the best of the best financial planners. 


Money and finance is taboo subject, carrying issues of deep seated resentment, fear, worthiness insecurity and inadequacy.  The Fear is masked in false humility, making poverty a virtue and healthy ambition sinful.  Knowledge often helps with fear, but confidence through experience is a cure for fear, turning it to nervous anticipation and excitement.  Fear and pride are deadly cause inaction (Flight, Fight, Freeze) or worse.   

The Bottom Line

Financial Planning is about creating better choices over time.  Changing the circumstances and limited perspectives that are normal responses to life's ups and downs.  Its about empathy, understanding and a commitment to our clients to navigate and offer better solutions for more effective results.  Borrowing experience, confidence with true integrity is what happens in a financial planning relationship. 


Earning is inevitable. No planning involved. Retaining, deploying compounding, leveraging takes planning. Time efficient, risk efficient. 
Is it possible to accomplish:
· In less time?
· More in the same time?
· This goal more reliably?
· This goal more consistently?
· What would it take?
· How to get what it takes?
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